The idea for this website came from an old movie I watched called My Life; in it, a cancer-stricken father (Michael Keaton) was recording video clips of himself giving all sorts of advice – from shaving tips to dealing with his death – to his son. At the time I thought, I was going to do that for my kid one day.
And one day, I did.
I’m no Michael Keaton, but I always thought my most comfortable form of communication was in my writing, so this blog was launched and it’s first post published on my son’s 3rd birthday on Boxing Day 2011.
My wife tells me that while there’s a while community of mummy bloggers out there, daddy bloggers are quite rare (seeing as paternal “silent types”, as most dads have a tendency to be, would work against them pursuing the idea of speaking to their son, much less over such a public avenue). I’m hoping my foray into this weekly quest to connect with my son will help not only me, but any dads out there who have trouble finding the words to the situations that they find themselves in with their own child. To all you dads out there, enjoy.
And to my son, remember.